A guide to the Science behind Zuni Fetish Necklace
Zuni fetish, a magnificent piece of art primarily made up of stones and beads, is one of the widely popular charms used worldwide. It comes carved in different styles, with each bearing its own unique meaning. However, thanks to the term “fetish” used in its honorifics, it has led to many misunderstood accusations on it.
Introduced by the Zuni tribe residing in the South Western part of the United States, some Zuni fetish necklaces might also have carvings made up of fossils. As the charm comes consisting of several animal and bird designs, they are used for different purposes. To have a better understanding of the fetishes, here are some of the carves with their meanings.
The Zuni fetish is not new. The symbolic and ceremonial jewelry pieces are very ancient and are always created with important elements such as carved stones, fossils, and shells. Also, the ornaments bear the iconic cultural scenes and animals. That’s why art enthusiasts worldwide crave such masterpieces, and the price always remains high than other traditional jewelry.
These pieces are made by several Native American tribes like the Pueblo, Navajo, Hopi, and the Kewa Pueblo. Most of the designs even suit the contemporary lifestyle hence; they are very popular across all age groups.
Now, let’s see what those animal cravings mean on the jewelry.
True Meaning of Animal Carvings
Zuni fetishes come in various designs and with a series of certain animal carvings. These designs are generally referred to as guardian spirits that are responsible for offering protection and prosperity to the user. Some of the most common fetishes include:
Armadillo- Thick-skinned and reserved, the armadillo designs are believed to help the user move slowly but efficiently. It helps enhance the inner-spirit making it capable of overcoming every challenge fate throws upon. The eldest member of a house generally uses it.
Badger- Commonly referred to as the Guardian of the South, the badger is associated with animal husbandry and agriculture. Like its animal form, the design is trusted to have mystical abilities that recuperate lost confidence, passion, boldness, and perseverance. Many also claim to have been very successful in agricultural activities after wearing the charm.
Bear- Available in many colors, the bear is known as the Guardian of the West. It arrives with powerful healing and intellectual properties which aid the person to resolve tricky situations effortlessly. Feared for its mighty strength, the charm is claimed to help eradicate all negativities from life.
Butterfly- One of the most common animal charms that can be found in Zuni fetishes is a butterfly. Beautiful as in nature, the design represents a remarkable transformation. Mostly advised for younger children, the charm helps them evolve into good people by initiating positivity, empathy, and sensitivity. It is also expressed as rebirth and reincarnations.
Dog- The very loyal partner of human beings, a dog fetish is also widely popular. It is widely used as gifts and honors to loyal friends or life partners. Similar to the animal, the fetish helps the person evolve as a loyal, friendly, bold, daring, and protective one.
Eagle- Adorned as the Guardian fetish of the Upper region, the Eagle carries great intuitive, creative, and healing powers. Watching even the tiniest of details from heights, the fetish supports transparency and linking to greater visions and truths. As a very strong carving, the eagle scares away its prey and symbolizes becoming one with the Greater Spirit.
Frog- Associated with many superstitious beliefs, the frog carves are used for a wide variety of purposes. In earlier periods, Zuni women used to keep the charm by their bed to be able to conceive successfully. Additionally, they are considered a holy fetish as they were thought to be the “Bringer of Abundant rain and fertility”. Some Zuni jewelry may also have tadpole fetishes that represent the cycle of life.
Hawk- Described as the messenger of Gods, the hawk carves served as people’s channel to get rid of their personal concerns. It was believed that sharing the concerns to the fetish made them go away and be replaced with positive energy and inspiration.
Apart from these, thousands of other animal designs can be used in a regular Zuni fetish necklace. It solely depended upon the user’s beliefs and requirements.
Scientific Authenticity around the Zuni Fetish Meanings
While science has now evolved to such an advanced stage, sadly, there are very few studies and reports on these native beliefs and cultures. Modern individuals often term it as superstition or dumb beliefs due to the absence of thorough information. However, similar to every other culture, the Zuni fetish meanings are not all wrong. Many famous astrologers, spiritual advocates, worldwide healers, and even scientists have shown an inclination towards these beliefs. These small carvings have been found to serve as a great inspirational and motivational model in several cases.
Apart from that, psychologists have also claimed a positive growth in their patient’s behavior after regularizing their usage. Even if the designs finally end up with no deep resemblance to the early beliefs, their role can still never be ignored. They are not only alluring to the eye but have been quiet on the fame’s side for thousands of years.
It is solely upon the believer to either believe or disown the associated meanings with each Zuni fetish necklace. However, if you search for genuine Zuni jewelry, make sure to purchase from a reputed seller only. There are a lot of frauds selling fake fetishes to people just for profit. While they may claim to be made of precious stones or real fossils, they might end up being nothing but some sort of cheap plastic. In such cases, ask around and seek a native Zuni seller’s help to ensure you are not being duped.